What's new

clrmamepro 3.84 Released


Category: <b>Arcade</b><br><br>
• added: profiler option: 'parse merge tags' (default = off) Enabling this will add support for 'merge' in datfiles. This is generally some additional merging information, commonly used to ignore identical files within a parent/clone relationship with different names. When you enable this option and scan sets which were scanned without that option in the past, you run into some wrong name / unneeded file (move to parent) messages. That's normal (since that's exactly what the merge tags were made for) and if you enable the fix options, they get fixed.
• added: profiler option 'don't create dummy clones' (default = on) Enabling this option will allow clrmamepro to split-merge fake clones (100% identical sets within a parent/clone relationship). In other words they will be fully merged into the parent. Toggling these new options will clean the profiler cache, too.
• misc: little merger speed increase
• misc: using latest zipclass library

:: clrmamepro Official Site
:: clrmamepro 3.84
