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Chankast Launch v1.0


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Chankast Launch v1.3

Chankast Launch v1.3 - By Headkaze


This is a wrapper for the Dreamcast emulator Chankast (http://www.chanka.org). It works with all versions of Chankast, even those that are not designed for full screen mode. It is also written in C++ and is only 72k in size.

The purpose of this program is to launch a game in full screen mode so you can play it like an ordinary game without worrying about manually mounting images.

It now has an exit key option so you can quit Chankast easily.


Drop chankcast_launch.exe into the same dir as chankast. Create a shortcut to it for each game. Right click on the shortcut and select properties. Edit the properties so it will launch the game as desired.

Eg. "C:\chankast\chankast_launch.exe" -fullscreen -cpu 108 -showstats -daemon "C:\Program Files\D-Tools\daemon.exe" 0 "D:\Dreamcast\image.cdi"

NOTE: I use DAEMON Tools 4.0 (http://www.daemon-tools.cc)

* To remove "Secure mode confirmation" dialog, go to Daemon Tools->Options->Secure mode to turn it off
* To remove "Unable to mount image. Device x has outstanding open handles." use the new -unmount option.


Version 1.3 Added exit key, no auto start, unmount image
Version 1.2 Added bin loading, -forcefull can now be used with -screen option to change resolution, forced delay to give Daemon Tools more time to mount the image, added region change
Version 1.1 Added -forcefull for versions < 0.25
Version 1.0 First Release


USAGE: chankcast_launch.exe -options

-chankast exe Chankast exe (Chankast_alpha_25.exe default)
-file bin Filename of iso/bin to load
-drive letter Set default drive letter
-screen 640x480|800x600|1024x768|1280x1024 Video Mode
-fullscreen Full Screen Mode
-forcefull Force Full Screen Mode (for versions < 0.25)
Can be used with the -screen switch to change resolution
-cpu value CPU Speed (100% default)
-priority normal|high Priority
-zwrite ZWrite
-zwritealpha AplhaTest ZWrite
-capcomhack Capcom Hack
-vga Cable Type to VGA
-ntsc Cable Type to NTSC
-showstats Show Stats
-daemon exe device iso Deamon Tools exe (full path "in quotes"),
device number, and ISO (full path "in quotes")
-unmount Unmount image on exit
-region jap|usa|euro Set region of DC flash file
-delay secs Delay in seconds for Deamon Tools to mount image (default 5 secs)
-exit ascii Define ascii key for exit (Default 27, ESC key)
-nostart No auto start
-help Displays this Message Box

headkaze [at] gmail [dot] com
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New member
Updated Chankast Launch to 1.1. This new version of the wrapper will now "force" Chankast to go full screen mode in versions before 0.25. I noticed some people strill use this version because the newer one dosn't work on their machines.

Use it as such:
"C:\Chankast\chankast_launch.exe" -chankast chankast.exe -forcefull -cpu 108 -showstats -daemon "C:\Program Files\D-Tools\daemon.exe" 0 "D:\Dreamcast\image.cdi"

or to use the old graphics version, change to -chankast chankast_old_gfx.exe
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New member
thanks alot dude now i wish chnakast team will release new beta i want to play third strike perfectly oh by the way where is the link to ur pro 1.1


New member
It's now updated to version 1.2, you can download it from the first post. I noticed a few issues that I've sorted now..

- Sometimes Daemon Tools needed extra time to mount an image otherwise Chanka would launch the BIOS menu. Now I force a 5 second wait or auto exit on a cd-rom autoplay event.
- Now you can use the normal chanka command line argument to play homebrew and iso's using the -file option
- The -forcefull option for versions < 0.25 can now be used in conjunction with -screen to change the screen resolution before launching chanka. The wrapper will stay resident and restore the original screen settings upon exit.

Please post any ideas/bugs/suggestions to this thread, and I'll see what I can do about adding them to the next release.


Fighting Game Fanatic
Hey Dude, I think this is a great utility although I'm having a few problems with it. One, I am trying to load it so it mounts my Capcom vs. SNK 2 game onto the H: drive, but it never adds a new device (the H: drive). I've manually started DAEMON and added the new device, and gotten your program to mount it like that, but Chankast won't recognize it even if I set it to drive letter H:. I hope I've explained this well I enough. I'm usually good with computers, but this is giving me a headache. Thanks.


New member
The -drive switch is for setting the drive in Chankast not in Daemon Tools. You will need to make sure Daemon Tools has a H: drive mounted first and then using the -daemon switch to specify the device number for it in the second parameter. You can't specify a drive letter when mounting images with Daemon Tools using command line switches, only device numbers. This is why this program does it this way.


New member
Sorry about that, I fixed a bug and thought I uploaded the new one; something musta went wrong. The link is back in the first post.


New member
some switches don't work...

Hi there! Love the launch utility, thank you very much!

The only gripe with it is that it ignores some of your listed switches... for instance, -showstats (doesn't work), as well as setting the screen resolution... and finally, zwrite...

Actually, the only ones that work for me are -capcomhack and -fullscreen.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Thanks for your time!



New member
i can't seem to get it to work. at least with daemon tools 3.47 but other than that i still have 1 issue. when chankast opens up it says it "can't find any input plugin". what's this about?


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
KyJelly said:
i can't seem to get it to work. at least with daemon tools 3.47 but other than that i still have 1 issue. when chankast opens up it says it "can't find any input plugin". what's this about?
Do you have chankast_input.dll and/or chankast_input_semi.dll in the Chankast folder?


New member
i managed to get it to work kinda. i had something misspelled in the image path. i got it load the image and open chankast but none of the options seem to work. the only ones that seem to work are -chankast and -daemon.

when i use it chankast just sits there at the chankast window. the emu does not start the game. or go to fullscreen, or change resolutions. nothing. i have version 0.25 of chankast.
