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can't play online with project 64k


New member
when i want to start to play online it says:

Direct 3d failed to intialize your Hal divice make sure you have a properly configured 3D graphics card compatible with Direct 3D 6.0.

failed to intilize graphics

however i can play the games when I don't play online so what can I do about it?


The Great Gunblade Wielder
Put 64k into the same folder as PJ64 (don't overwrite files), then it uses the updated RDB and the updated plugins.

i'll probably get told off for suggesting this but it works for me.


New member
how? and btw i can play with 1964 online but not many player play with that emulator
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I just downloaded pj64k today and it gave me the same message, but I went to settings and set up all the plugins, even though they were outdated. . .I just didn't feel like going into my real pj64 directory and copying the plugins to pj64k's directory because they probably don't work with online play anyway, maybe I'm just mislead but I think I read that somewhere. . .and the funny part is that the only reason I downloaded pj64k is because nobody would play 1964 online with me lol. . .
