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Can't get into MM in 1.4


New member
first off, 1.4 is great!

now for my problem. i was playing Majora's Mask right after i got 1.4, and everything worked fine. today, i started pj, opened MM, and all i got was a black screen. the status bar loads the rom, but the fps stays at -:--. pj didn't freeze, cause i can go thru the menus, etc. if it's minimized, and brought back up, the status bar says "CPU Resumed". i can also close pj. however, in the task manager, the process is still running, and i have to shut it off manually. openning another rom *does* freeze it, though.

the rom is verified good by goodn64. i could play it in 1.3, but now it won't work there either (i get a fatal error thing). also, i can play OoT fine in both.

any ideas?


New member
i did the uninstall stuff (removed the registry entries) and even deleted the pj dir and reinstalled. no go.


New member
I have had this same problem. It must be a radeon thing because when I had my geforce 2 ultra it worked fine. Now with a radeon 8500 it a no go.


New member

it seems a couple of people have had this problem so far. is this a known issue, or does anyone know exactly what's going on here? should i scrap the radeon?


New member
This seems like a PJ64 (v1.4) bug, as I had a similar thing with Zelda: MM.
After a few saves, the rom itself loads up, but I can't see the menu (or hear any sound what so ever), but the FPS counter keeps going. But if I go to load a saved state, it resumes properly and plays normaly.
The emulator didn't freeze for me.
I restarted the game in PJ64 v1.3, and there's no problem.
And I have a GeForce 2Mx.


New member
actually, i was talking about the couple people who've noticed problems with radeons and MM. i can't even get the rom to load. i know developement is over, but i'd still like to know what's going on here.


New member
My guess would be shoddy drivers on ATIs part. I guess us radeon users will have just have to wait for better drivers (if we ever get any).


New member
Vertex said:
My guess would be shoddy drivers on ATIs part. I guess us radeon users will have just have to wait for better drivers (if we ever get any).

are you running XP? ATI just released some updated beta drivers for radeons on XP, but they don't work for me. these coudl probably be the answer if they ever get their act together.???


New member
Yeah. I tryed those and its still not working. Also When I run other roms even on other emulators it never seems to look as good as the screen caps others have posted(IE missing textures or objects not appearing correctly).
