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Blue Sky in Games.


Persona User
Huh? they want blue skies in games and kill enemies with bounce attacks well they have sonic and that's a perfect match what else do they want?

They do have a point in the fact that we havesome GTAish gangster stuff contamination, but about blue skies that's insane, in fact i like games with deep stories but most games that have one are not games for kids with bounce attacks and blue skies if they wanna their blue skies and bounce attacks go play sonic, mario and yoshi and shut up.


Active member
what about games with multiple maps... and diff ambiences.

UT2k4 for example, you have some nice maps with blue sky and funky look but you still shoot people.

look GTA:VC, mostly a nice blue sky in the day, doesn't stop you from crushing people on the roads, shooting everywhere and so.

even shooters like Perfect Dark, dD missions got dark sky ( night) , ok, but look at the villa, bright blue sky!



New member
I guess it is an exageration to make it funnier to read but i believe it is not the violence per se but the "hood" taking over games, the thinking that because we are mostly grown ups by now that we do not like fantasy lands, we don´t like whimsical characters and all we care is the distorted vision of reality of "da hood, be-otch!"


Persona User
WhiteX said:
I guess it is an exageration to make it funnier to read but i believe it is not the violence per se but the "hood" taking over games, the thinking that because we are mostly grown ups by now that we do not like fantasy lands, we don´t like whimsical characters and all we care is the distorted vision of reality of "da hood, be-otch!"

Games that have fantasy lands and fantasy characters haven't disappeared we still have Crash Bandicoot, Rayman, Mario, Sonic, Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, Sly.

There are even some fantasy RPG's with blue skies and happy people so i dont really get those guys point.

Yes developers have to stop making cheap GTA copies but fantasy games haven't disappeared at all.


Nintendo Zealot
I actually feel pretty much the same as the authors of that website. It may be exaggerated, but they have a great point.


New member
xneoangel said:
Games that have fantasy lands and fantasy characters haven't disappeared we still have Crash Bandicoot, Rayman, Mario, Sonic, Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, Sly.

There are even some fantasy RPG's with blue skies and happy people so i dont really get those guys point.

Yes developers have to stop making cheap GTA copies but fantasy games haven't disappeared at all.

That will obviously change. As one genre makes more money, then it will have preponderance over the games many of us relate to more. This is the first time in video game history we have a rap star in the cover of a game being advertised in huge posters at your local best buy with a thug image. We have had musical stars have appearances in games, but they were never popular (Aerosmith with that one game for the most horrible game for SNES). It is, to an extent, rather depressing.

It doesn't give the same feeling buying and playing Zelda Ocarina of Time as it is buying Purple Heart Battle Qatar:1946 General Dowing's Defection Chapter 3, even if OOT was 7 years ago (and my VG tastes are supposedly supposed to have been matured).

I for one, want my blue skies back. Just examine your psychological state when playing these games. Are you just staring at the screen, mindlessly completing missions (which I have found is the case) and just going through the motions?

Play a game with blue skies and watch your skin regain its natural glow.

Play a game with blue skies and remember what it was like to laugh again.

Play a game with blue skies and remind yourself that you still have the facial muscles required to smile.

Play a game with blue skies and recall that grass is green, not brown
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Sola Kusanagi

Make it Make Money
We want music that goes PLINKY-PLINK AND DOOPY-DOO not "motherfucking west coast mother fucker, y'all"! We want to fight WEIRD MONSTERS not drug-dealing criminals!

i kinda like the motherfucking west coast mother fucker, y'all in my games

if u dont like it stick to nes and Sega


Persona User
loopsider said:
That will obviously change. As one genre makes more money, then it will have preponderance over the games many of us relate to more. This is the first time in video game history we have a rap star in the cover of a game being advertised in huge posters at your local best buy with a thug image. We have had musical stars have appearances in games, but they were never popular (Aerosmith with that one game for the most horrible game for SNES). It is, to an extent, rather depressing.

It doesn't give the same feeling buying and playing Zelda Ocarina of Time as it is buying Purple Heart Battle Qatar:1946 General Dowing's Defection Chapter 3, even if OOT was 7 years ago (and my VG tastes are supposedly supposed to have been matured).

I for one, want my blue skies back. Just examine your psychological state when playing these games. Are you just staring at the screen, mindlessly completing missions (which I have found is the case) and just going through the motions?

Play a game with blue skies and watch your skin regain its natural glow.

Play a game with blue skies and remember what it was like to laugh again.

Play a game with blue skies and remind yourself that you still have the facial muscles required to smile.

Play a game with blue skies and recall that grass is green, not brown

I think you are overreacting, look fantasy games won't disappear just think about it this way, what would be of Nintendo without Link and Mario?, what would be of Sega without Sonic?, what would be of Sony without Crash Bandicoot and Final Fantasy?

Without those games i think those companies would be pretty dead by now, those blue skies games are a part of those companies but they can't just concentrate on those games because if they only develop games with blue skies and happy people i'm sure that almost a half maybe more maybe less of the gaming community will stop playing games.

You make it look like the gaming community only wants blue sky games but that's not true, companies have to develop games for all kind of people they can't just make games for a part of the gaming community, they have to concentrate on a whole that's why they develop all kind of games, even games with blue skies are still being developed, so i don't really see why you worry so much.

And yes i also hate those games that are about Actors or Singers but hey we get those kind of games barely and crap like that will never replace fantasy games.
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New member
yes, but slowly and surely the misconception of the industry about us grow and with it more stereotypes and ridiculous violence, take for example Condemned, it seems to be some sort of CSI (cool) but where you fight bums!?
I mean it is out of proportion by now, Jak had to go "dark" toi reach "more mature" audiences, that is just crap, i enjoy Prince of persia the same way that i enjoy any GTA, and as far as i know the only crime related game that i good is GTA.
What i agree with them is that fantasy world games, with crazy attacks are out of the spotlight by now, Psychonauts being the major example of it in 2005, a great game, understated because of the kiddy loook and the industry is way off because the first to go play any "gangsta-bitch" game are the kids, not the growns.


Son of the Sky
:) I find it very nice how we are having a serious conversation on this very uhm... "serious" website.


New member
As for the "play sonic then" thingie, the next game on Sonic´s world will feature Shadow, wielding a realistic pistol on more "mature" environments.


16-bit Corpse | Moderator

So you're saying that there's going to be another Shadow game besides Shadow the Hedgehog?


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
WhiteX said:
Is Shadow already out?
Sorry, i did not knew.
Yes, Shadow the Hedgehog has been out for a while now. Didn't fare too well in the teeth of the critics though. Go figure.


New member
For what they say is quite that, no use for adult gaming if it´s poor gaming.
