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blight's SDL input plugin problem


New member
I am trying to use blight's SDL input plugin on Mupen 64 v0.5. I've configured it to use keyboard input on controller 1, and I've configured all of the keys. (My blight_input.conf is attached, so you can verify if I have done that correctly.) However, when I load any ROM, no keyboard input seems to do anything. At least 'start' certainly isn't working... I haven't gotten to use much else, as most ROMs have you press 'start' as the first thing. I've tried remapping 'start' to various keys, but nothing's worked yet.

This is blight's SDL input plugin 0.0.10, and I'm running all of this on Debian GNU/Linux Sid. I'm not really sure if it's a problem with the input plugin, or with mupen, or with SDL or some other underlying system (e.g. X). Is there any way I can get some debug on the plugin, or is there any other way to troubleshoot this? (Or are there any other input plugins that work with Mupen64 on Linux?)


New member
D'oh. I thought that "plugged" in the input dialog meant that the controller was plugged in when that box was dark. I guess it means the opposite of what I thought it did... clicking that solves the problem, heh.
