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Best wrestling game ?


Proud Frenchman
In you mind, what's the best n64 wrestling game ? I ask this because, as I only have a 56K connection, I can only donwload the games that really worth it.
no brainer no mercy! all the thq n64 wrestling games own and they got better and better with time and itterations... i have all four of them, since i lub em all to bits :D


Nintendo Zealot
Wrestling is ghey, i advise everyone to play more diddy kong racing/zelda/banjo/etc.. :)

this is a joke.
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Ahh, but I've already whipped Banjo Zelda, and Diddy on the real thing! I'm plodding through Banjo-Tooie at the moment, which is good but a bit too slow. WCW just lets me kick ass every now and again ;)


Nintendo Zealot
I've beaten em all on the real thing, except banjo tooie, which i'm playing on pj64 at the momennt. I'm about 50% completed, the only thing i hate is that the game stutters every second even on 320x240 :(
WCW was better when revenge was released but the wwf was better when no mercy was released... now theyve joined to be one big mass of crap :(


Is it just me, or is the irony of somebody that uses brackets in their nick calling someone else gay just too much to cope with? :D


Oh, and I don't really play any wrestling games, I don't really like them, but I do respect others enough to let them have their own opinions.


So... It doesn't mean that you have to fly off the handle. I'm sorry you have such a negative attitude, and that you have to respond in such a brute and retalitory way, but I think you can deal with your anger in better ways than to do useless flaming. I also think that if DuDe has to edit what you say, you probably don't need to say it.

And I wrestled in highschool, there is nothing gay about that, there are none tougher than highschool wrestlers, but Professional wrestlers are actors... they don't actually wrestle in the traditional sense of the word.

I also think that cool was way out of line to call it gay... That's why I added
but I do respect others enough to let them have their own opinions.
I also think that he should watch his language a little better. But these are just my opinions, I won't force them on anyone else, and you don't have to read them if you don't like them.
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Nintendo Zealot
CRi{]v[}iNaL said:
yo if u read the whole thread u prolly would have seen that cooliscool started this shit by calling wrestling games gay

you have a bad sense of humor if you didn't realize it was a joke :!!!:
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