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best gamepad for n64 emu/pc use


New member
:nuke: The best joypad I've found for the n64 emus has to be the logitech cordless wingman force feedback. Excellent range, (can be used downstairs,as it operates wirelessly on 2.4 ghz not i/r which is kak.
All buttons can be set to nearly emulate a proper n64 so theres no large learning curve, after 30 mins you forget its not the real thing.

P.S I dont work for logitech , honest!
n/rage input plug-in deserves the credit for being so easy to set up. the stick actually has more buttons than you need(11 plus a throttle slider( not much use really)


ph33r teh hammy!
I'd have to say that I've liked using my Gravis Gamepad Pro (all 4 of 'em, haha). Works great with every emu available. Snes, Genisis, N64 has just enough buttons (minus L, which is never used anyway), and PSX (since it looks exactly like a PSX controller).


New member
best gamepad for n64 emu/pc use

I might say that best is the real thing... the adaptoid lets you plug your n64 controller to the PC with the rumble/mem pak, but with that huge thing hooked to the controller ain't worth plugin' it... too bad the adaptoid is out of business... but then again... which one is the best??? the hell if I could only afort an atari 2600 controller I would say that's the best... 'cos you get use to it... so I say any gamepad would be a good thing... as long as you have fun with the emulation...
