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best controller for super mario 64?


New member
does neone have an oppinion that there is a better controller for super mario 64 then regular n64 contoller? what controller is best


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
Any PC USB controller with a good analog stick, a digital pad (or a POV hat, whichever term you prefer) and enough buttons.


New member
I am currently using a PSX style USB and I am having no trouble playing ANY game. The catch is, you may need to work around some buttons.

My Button setup - assuming you got the USB controller that has the Dual Analogs.

Left Analog - Control Stick
D-Pad - D-Pad
Buttons 1-4 (Shape buttons) - C Buttons
Button 5 (R1) - B
Button 6 (R2) - R
Button 7 (L1) - A
Button 8 (L2) - Z
Button 9 (Start) - Start
Button 10 (Select) - L

In most games, L is useless, so I keep it in the most useless spot. If you setup your controller like this, then practice some of Mario's basic moves. And you should have no trouble.


New member
I am currently using a PSX style USB and I am having no trouble playing ANY game. The catch is, you may need to work around some buttons.
Yeah, PSX pads work well. At worst you'll have to create a few different controller profiles, depending on what games you play.


New member
I currently only have 1, and it's the one I mentioned.

Back when I was using keyboards, I had 3 for the games I played. One for generic, one for Turok, and one for Mischief Makers.


Voted Least Likely to Succeed
Hell, I usually have a profile for every game. Mostly I just configure it to whatever's most comfortable for me. Games like GoldenEye and Perfect Dark are set up so they can be played like Counter-Strike. Other games have the most wacky configs you wouldn't believe. I only have one for the N64 adapter, of course, and one or two for the GameCube one. I'm gonna see about buying a PSX controller.

On Topic: I prefer the GameCube controller. The only issue I have with it is the size. If you have bigger hands than a fifth grader, it's a little uncomfortable.


New member
In my opinion the most flexible controller is the Xbox 360 USB controller. Not only is it of higher quality than any gamepad you'll buy in a store, but it's buttons can work well for any console you want really. For the N64 I generally use the A and X buttons as AB, because that's how they're laid out on the N64 controller, then I use the right analog stick for C Buttons (it's really not bad at all) right trigger as R, left trigger as Z, and LB (left shoulder) as L, since L is useless in most situations. However like P_025, I use different configurations for different games because sometimes certain layouts can be really annoying.

However I really think that the N64 controller is one of the best controllers there has ever been, and if you have one of those it will kick the shit out of your other gamepads, at least for N64 games. I just don't want to shell out for an adapter.
