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ATI vs. nVidia


There's something I've been wondering about for a long time (and I mean a long time), which of the two top videocard manufacturers are better in terms of overall performance, ATI or nVidia? Or are they about the same? Well, the reason I'm asking this is because one person I know says ATI is better where another says nVidia is. The reason I say nVidia is better because it's much more stable for overall gaming. But then ATI has very good multimedia capabilties (like TV/HDTV-tuning, etc.) This is my opinion, but I want to hear some feedback for you guys first. BTW, I also want to know if anyone thinks that the ATI-made GPU for the Revolution will be good.


Active member
Having owned both nvidia and ati cards, I think I'm going to switch back & stay with nvidia (and use an ati tv wonder for the MM aspects). nvidia seems better in opengl performance while ati in directx.. and nvidia has much better linux support.


Hardcore Tails fan
sethmcdoogle said:
Having owned both nvidia and ati cards, I think I'm going to switch back & stay with nvidia (and use an ati tv wonder for the MM aspects). nvidia seems better in opengl performance while ati in directx.. and nvidia has much better linux support.

I concur. From my experience, I've also tended to have much less driver problems with NVidia than with ATI though. ATI seems to have better texturing capabilites than that of NVidia cards, but in the end, NVidia wins imo. Thats just me however. As for the Rev's ATI Chip, if they pull off another good GPU chip just like they did with the Gamecube, I'd say the performance would be simply stunning. But it might be a tough competition against the other 2 next gen consoles (I'm not much on their specs currently so dont bite me).


New member
NVIDIA is my choise, I got desapointed with Ati's cards, too many bugs and its performance is terrible in high resolutions, that's why I'll never switch side to ATI's.
Ati's sucks. :p
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Emulator Developer
Owning both, I'd have to say that --
If you would like a flaming video card with the latest bleeding edge features and effects, swing with nVidia. If you'd like a nice, strong, firmly planted stable video card, swing with ATI. I've noticed that nVidia cards have some issues with the FFP in some cases, but otherwise it's my first choice. I like the bleeding edge features ^^


d1R3c764 & g1|\|64 m4|<3R
I've owned an nVidia Riva 128, nVidia GeForce 128, and an ATI Radeon 9500 Pro. Obviously I can't make a direct comparison for speed and graphics quality, but I will say that I probably had the fewest problems with my GeForce. Until it became antiquated and couldn't run any of the newer games, it took whatever I threw at it without a fuss.

My Radeon has been very quick (though it's starting to show its age as well) with great image quality, but there has been the occasional driver issue, although those have been fixed by subsequent driver releases, usually within a month's time.

A year ago I would have said ATI all the way, as the FX 5x00 series had pathetic PS 2.0 support, but now, with the advent of the 6x00 series, I'm leaning towards nVidia for my next purchase. From what I've seen they're quick, a good value, and the only option if you want PS 3.0 support.

Just my $.02


Active member
I'm certainly not disappointed with NVIDIA. Nice drivers, nice feature set, and there's a card for every price point with the 6 series.
