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Anyone know how to fix this slowdown/speed up problem?

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not 1337 lawl
I'm playing Cel-Shaded Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and my emulator always speeds up and slow downs at certain parts. It's really annoying. Is there an option to fix it?

I'm using RiceVideo.DDL as my plugin, obiously.
i don't know much about this, but i think 1964 can help you because it has options 2 get extra speed.
if this don't work, @ which points happens this???


New member
As said before...

Well, the speed depends on the CPU, as Blacklord said. If it's faster, just press F4, but if it's slower, try some of those options that optimizes the game speed (Counter Factor, Advanced Block Linking...). By the way, Blacklord, nice work with all those "well worked" logos and images. :bouncy:
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