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Annoyed with Emutalk

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New member
Can I just say (and I don't want to be removed or anything cos I'm only voicing my opinion) that I find it very VERY annoying with all these things about "Not asking for roms" and "not giving locations to roms" because surely if that's illegal, then this whole bloody site is illegal. This site is made specifically for emulators, yes? Well how do you use a bloody emulator? YOU RUN BLOODY ROMS ON IT!!!! How can you have a whole bloody site dedicated to programs that require you to run roms and then go around saying that it is illegal??? It makes no bloody sense!!! Anyway, I'm calm now. Sorry if I offended anyone! I've just been looking for one single rom that I can't find anywhere and no-one on here is any bloody use!

PS. Sorry again to everyone, I just needed to get it off my chest. If anyone agrees with me, reply.


New member
First of all, this is in the wrong forum.
2nd, Emulators may be for playing games (but they are mainly projects for programmers to push themselves with). The Side effect is once the project has progressed sufficiently it starts to play roms....

We are unable to tell you where to get Roms for the Emulators (this is the LAW). If we start allowing Rom Requests then this board could get shut down. Besides Roms are incredibly easy to find....yes incredibly easy.

So please no more Rom talk, if you want to talk about Roms I suggest you find another Emulation site.


If you're so pissed, then go blame it on someone else.
Doing that here is just likely to get you banned.

Why can't you ask for roms? They are illegal!
Why is the site about emulators? Emulators aren't illegal!
So that makes the site legal! If they'd permit rom requesting, it'd make the site...ILLEGAL!

Som 'nuff said, that's the explanation! Now, shoo off!

:plain: Trotterwatch replied before me when i was typing the post :( :doh:


New member
Ok ok, calm it dudes! I said that I was just letting off a little steam. You could've just ignored it. And anyone, I don't know where to post it, none of the boards are very well labelled. Half the messages I've seen have been followed with one of you guys telling them it's in the wrong one. Anyway, I'm sorry (as I said profusely in my first one). So, let's just forget about it!


You could have posted it in Waaay Off-topic. Some people might have thought to put it in Talk of the Town, although it is not that far off from the real forum for this.

Ok, so i hope you've learned why now.


TheBigCheese said:
So, let's just forget about it!

So think logically next time, and don't post stuff about roms etc, and and don't go annoying people like this:getlost:

There is my two cents...Damn I wish I was better at English so I could write more intelegently...lol:D


Mr. Super Clever
Consider it closed Slougi :)

TheBigCheese I refuse to believe there is a human that is this stupid...


Mr. Super Clever
TheBigCheese said:
none of the boards are very well labelled.

PJ64: Guess what that one is for!!
1964: Can you get this one?
Nemu: Think hard about this one it does cause problems
Other emulation disucssion: hmmmm
Techtalk: Could that be for porn im not too sure.
IRC quote: oh god I have no idea with this one =\

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