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Animal Forest

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New member
Animal Forest problems, no skins on enviro. and people

Alright, i know your only supposed to use american games, but i wanted to play animal forest and all the characters are like clay models. do you have any suggestions on how to fix it
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New member
PLEASE WILL YOU PEOPLE HELP ME, I NEED HELP. 12 PEOPLE HAVE LOOKED AT THIS AND NOT A ONE EVEN REPLIED. Sorry, im just angry. Do i need any more info, my plugins, specs, what do you need?


Emutalk Member
wow not using RGB emulation are you? post full specs and any settings youve changed please


New member
Pentium 3 846 MHz
26 GB
127 MB of Ram
I usually get 60 fps
change blending mode if invalid for video card is on
always use texture filtering for rendering is on
force depth compare and force normal blending are on

Edit: I turned on RGB Emulation and it fixed execpt the frame rate horribly drops down to about 5-10 fps
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Emutalk Member
you didn't mention your graphics card... please try to make things easy/possible for us


aka Alshain
Yeah, well theres your problem. Sorry but your Graphics Adapter is not up to specs for PJ64. Actually its not really up to specs for most N64 emulation. Intel graphics cards just plain suck. I know this mostly cause I have a i810 sitting in a drawer around here somewhere. If at all possible upgrade to a Geforce 2 at the very minimum. Although the way prices are now a Geforce 4 MX is cheaper than a Geforce 2 MX.


That's the problem. Intel sux big time with gfx. I have one of those installed on my mobo and it does nothing for you. Ever since I upgradedto a gf2 mx, I don't have as much gfx problems than I used to.


New member
My wife has been playing this game - Doubutsu no Mori - and so far 100% no problems. Here's a 320x240 snap but it looks fantastic on 1280x1024.
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