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An nemu64 newbies dumb questions

Tenchi Jeff

New member
OKay, a few little things bothering me that I am trying to do here.

1. control settings, this is frustrating to set up, I have never yet been able to get it work right. I have a logitech wingman wireless, what is the easiest way to set it up.

2. Okay/Accept buttons, There are none. This is really confusing to me. I set up audio and video and then...no okay button. The only way to get out of that screen is to ctrl-alt-del and then close that box from there. Am I missing something?

3. Plug ins What are the best reccomended plug ins out there, where do I get them, and how do I set them up? I did download a few but there does not seem to be any way of setting them up.

Any help would be appreciated.
Tenchi Jeff


All of these issues are genuine bugs that the authors of this particular emu need to address in future versions.

(As far as I know).

Unfortunately this emu' isn't open-source;(afaik), so nothing can be done about it by others....:crazy:

Solution: Try another Emulator. :shaun:
