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about the elusive Adaptoid


New member
I just got into N64 emulation and was pining for an Adaptoid. Then I read this at Wikipedia:

"An adaptoid is just a simple cable with a Nintendo 64 socket on one end, and a USB plug on the other end, which means no circuitry is involved, and provides for easier use."


Could this possibly be true? If it's just a cable, then wouldn't it be very possible to build your own using an N64 extension cable and a USB cable? If it's just a cable, then all the smarts are in the Adaptoid driver, which can still be downloaded.

Is it possible all we need is for one kind soul to crack open their Adaptoid and document the wiring? Would there be any such kind souls among us?


If it's just a cable
No, it's not. N64 interface and USB are incompatible and you need to build adapter using programmable controller. It's not that easy :)
Here's the quote from Adaptoid site:
The Adaptoid will work on computers with Windows 98, Windows 2000, or MacOS.
That's it - Adaptoid is N64 to HID converter, and it will work on any OS that supports HID protocol (Win, MacOS 9/X, Linux, xBSD etc.) without drivers.


New member
Adaptoid wiring

Here's a link to someone who has done it:


It's not that hard, but you should have some idea of how to solder. His directions are pretty good.

And if you go here:

He has prebuilt/programmed/assembled boards which you just need to solder to your connectors for about $23.32 US, or you can do it all on your own for less. Not a perfect solution, but at least it should work better than the Boom adapters.

Anyone tried this solution?

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New member
What, Wikipedia incorrect? Impossible, sir!

Oh well, I knew it was too good to be true. Interestingly enough, I had actually went to the raphnet site before when I was looking for snes-usb solutions. Somehow I missed the gamecube part. Wish I was handy with a soldering iron. This may be a good excuse to get handy. Even more, I wish I was handy with electronics and could build my own from scratch. Then I'd built a sweet four-input gamecube/n64/snes box.

The question is, could this run the Adaptoid driver? I don't see the adaptoid cable as being all that special, even if it did have a chip in it. I'm definitely going to email raphnet and find out.


Anyone tried this solution?
Yep. Works fine.

What, Wikipedia incorrect? Impossible, sir!
ROFL Do you know how many articles i've corrected for past two years ? About a thousand. This one needs to be edited too. It's not really wrong to say "it's just a simple cable" about adaptoid, for user it is a simple cable as it doesn't require any drivers or special software, but such words can lead people to wrong conclusions, and it's just happened with you :)


New member
Actually, that was a tongue in cheek joke about wikipedia. And it is quite wrong to say it's just a simple cable, as it's not. The whole point of saying it's a simple cable would be to mean it didn't have any custom chips in it (which it does).

And the Adaptoid does require special drivers, if you want to actually use it as an Adaptoid and not the same way as the dozens of other N64->USB adapters on the market. It's not identical from an OS point of view, unless you consider the memory card and rumble features to not be part of the product. Which would be silly as that's the whole point of wanting an Adaptoid and not one of the other adapters.

I've been talking with the guy from Raphael and to make his adapter work with their driver, he'd have to have a microcontroller that supported all the non-standard commands the Adaptoid one supports. So it's pretty much a no-go.

He also says he plans on adding rumble support in a future adapter, so I guess that's what we'll have to look forward to.
