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about ram and pj64

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New member
I was wondering if getting some extra ram could compensate the lack of video memory. I upgraded my pc from 128mb to 320mb and thought that might help speed things up at higher resolutions, (not just on pj but on other 3d apps as well), but it doesn't seem to be taking advantage of it. Is there anyway to use this extra ram, because there are like 130mb just laying there idle.


Generally, it is good to have much ram.
Because apps and games uses the ram to save stuff.
Also, the faster processor you have, the more ram does it want to keep its capacity speed up to 100%.

Let the ram be, dude. There's nothing you can do about it unless you upgrade.


Emutalk Member
as a programmer you can use more ram to increase buffer sizes, but most of this is handled by the app, so as an end user no there's not much to do, but having free ram is a very good thing.


um this might help the game run better,
hit CTRL+ALT+DELETE only once, then u will get the box that pops up, go to processes, then find Project64.exe and right click it, then set priority to high, this will give more resources to PJ64 instead of being idel. but dont do runtime because it uses all of your resources and thats not good at all.


New member
You added a shitload of RAM; good. To answer your question, adding some RAM to compensate the lack of video memory is a silly idea if you don't do what follows:
- be sure you have an AGP card!
- if it's an AGP 2X card, be sure it supports Sideband (might require flashing the video card BIOS)
- enable all working AGP features on your motherboard (long experiments here if you dunno the specs of your card)
- switch 'AGP aperture size' to 128 or even 256.
That's easy. Now, harder: increase your memory transfer rate, by using 133 mHz instead of 100 mHz and try lowering the CAS as much as possible (goes for both SDR-SDRAM and DDR-SDRAM).
If your system holds and the graphics don't hang, it's cool.
Even harder: overclock your video card (memory and chips), starting with memory. Proceed with caution (if it hangs, lower the settings and find a larger fan)


New member

Turning off or reducing the swap file for windows lets the tasks at hand be handled fully by your ram (windows seems to prefer swap files) so chosing none helps. Ps is any body in the 'know' of 3d graphics cards and frames rates if so mention.



Emutalk Member
Re: Try

ssjkorn87 said:
Turning off or reducing the swap file for windows lets the tasks at hand be handled fully by your ram (windows seems to prefer swap files) so chosing none helps. Ps is any body in the 'know' of 3d graphics cards and frames rates if so mention.


don't do that


New member

more system memory is always good - but its got nothing to do with your Video card memory... if you want to speed things up at higher resolutions, what you need is a better graphics card!

32mb is ok for emulation, get 64 or more if you can, i would go for a geforce for compatibility - the new geforce4 comes in 2 very different flavours - MX 440 etc=cheap n cheerful but not bad; or gf4 Ti and 4600 etc kick ass but more expensive

but first, go and get a 'computers for dummies' book and learn some of the basics of your machine - especially before you start messing with the BIOS... ;^)


New member
about the swap file: the best thing to do is give it a fixed size then use a disk defragmentin utility that is able to unfragment the swap file (Norton Speedisk is able to do that)
This is VERY useful for Win95, quite efficient for Win98/ME, useless for Win3.11, WinNT/2000/XP (which already use this swap method)
Since you have lots of memory, under Win9x/ME, setting 'file system optimization' to 'network server' instead of 'desktop computer' can give your machine up to a 10% boost...


I should repeat that a geforce3 ti is cheaper or equal in price against geforce4 mx, and more powerful at that.


what about the Gforce ti 4400 they any good, i no they arent as fast as the 4600 but they seem to be fast. would it be better to buy the 4400 or 4600? or a gforce 3GTS


Emu64 Staff
A GF4 ti4200 is faster than the fastest GF3. It`s a great bang for the buck, definitely recommended.


New member
Oops my bad (a Gf4MX is a beefed up Gf2, right)
About the Gf4-4200, yup it's the best bang for bucks - especially since a few fabricants tune them up for optimized overclocking...


Emu64 Staff
Yeah it makes a difference, a beefed up GF2 still can`t do the effects that a GF3 can.
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