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The forum is now getting more "famous"(it's not the expression I mean) Nowadays:
"Hey men, i now know where is the open button. But wtf where are the gc isos, all ppl knows where they are. Yeah, i download a 400KB .exe, then they must be in :huh:, and the worst of all it's that i can't put the game cube game i bought in the cd :smurf:. "I have the super smash brothers but it runs very slow men, i want more fps. About Pikmin 2 , i can't run it but i don't care i will post it in another topic" and the famous " How do i rip gamecube games". Ok so i'm what happens all days. It's not just today, people are getting worst. Afortunately the mods "reply" quickly to these posts. Very good work indeed, i have seen a lots of Forums, but this one is one of the bests. Just don't vvorry about the ones who don't read the rules, they are everywhere. Very good work!
