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Mario no photopie protected ?


New member

Hm it could be that this Bomb is Region Code Protexion, that you can get on Backup Units when you patch a rom to pal, (old programs) or using a older Version of the Freeloader Cartridge.

Even with Originals, you can get this.

So because the emulators can't most of the time load Region patched roms, it would be hard to find out, what it really means, unless you can read japanese.


New member
I'm surprised. Glad to see I'm not alone when I say that I've found a way to get the graphics for this game to show. I was not, however, aware of Trotterwatch's method. I didn't even bother to check Nemu64 because I thought that 1964's DMA In Segments core emulation option was REQUIRED to view this game's graphics. I felt sure that 1964 was the only emulator that had this feature, but I never cease to underestimate Nemu64's uniqueness. Though I was going to try Nemu64 eventually, I decided to Google for an explanation as to this whole 64DD thing and why the game did not respond to my input, and I came across this thread.

Although, there is something missing here. The reason 1964 worked was not because this user was using schibo's audio plugin, but because of the version of 1964 used. The real reason why is because of the DMA In Segments option, which is set to Off in the ROM Properties.ini for this game as of version 0.9.9. The option must be turned on. Just wanted to clear that up.

In the end, in terms of graphics, the best setup for this game is to use Nemu64 with Jabo's Direct3D (1.6+), forcing the resolution to 320x240 in the ROM Settings tab of the plugin configuration. Even so, I'm convinced that BigHead was right about this game and that it is, indeed, unplayable, but for the wrong reason.

And btw, if reviving 'dead' threads is wrong, you may as well close every single thread that hasn't been replied to in a month. Some medicine for the paranoia.
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