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2 emulators


Spoilet Brat
i want to know that im not mad but, who else here uses 2 emulators, one for some games, and one for the others.I do and i want to know that im not mad... :(


Active member
I use three for N64 (PJ64, 1964, Mupen64), some other people probably even use more than that! I also use five different NES emus, some I just try for fun to see what they are like.


That Damn Good
I think just about everyone uses different emulators for different games. Like me for instance, I use pj64 to play a few of my games such as ready 2 rumble boxing and nba showtime, and I use 1964 to play games such as Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.


Irrelevant Insight
I even use UltraHLE for Mario and OoT occasionally with wrappers. Hell yeah, old skool!


Spoilet Brat
thank god for that. I use PJ64 for games like conkers bad fur day, and 1964 for games like goldeneye that need speed


New member
I'm curr only using P64. Used to use UltraHLE a few years back. U could say i'm too lazy to configure 1964 to work correctly. I'd also like to think that I've got a fast enough PC to run everything fine in P64
