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1964 0.9.9 Yoshi´s Story


New member
First of all THANK YOU so much for this new years gift! Many games are running so much better - great job!

Anyway, one game which I was wating to work is Yoshi´s Story. I am using plaine 1964 0.9.9 version with Rice´s plugin. It is not playable because the graphics are so messed up - you can´t even recognize the playfield. Intro and level select is perfect.

Any ideas? I believe I saw it working with an screenshot posted a while ago on emutalk.

Any help would be great!

Thanks in advance...


New member
I've never played this game a lot, but using Jabos D3D 1.5.1 seems to look fine.

Rices looks good in GL, but with some graphics issues. You need to perhaps change the combiners/blenders manually to get it looking great though.


Emulator Developer
I have problems with Yoshi after adding new frame buffer features. Please use other plugins for this game.


New member
Rice said:
I have problems with Yoshi after adding new frame buffer features. Please use other plugins for this game.

Thank you for this fast help. Waht plugin is best Jabo looks fine but the 3D-Effects in later levels are not ok, so it is unplayable...
