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  1. Spinal

    Last missing Gamw&Watch (widescreen) OUT!!!

    I dunno if this topic is for this forum or for Waaay Off-Topic, if this is wrong then go ahed and move it. There might be some good news for all of you Game&Watch lovers out there, visit Game&WatchHQ for more info ;) btw there might also be some more good news there in a few days...
  2. Spinal

    Game&Watch - i wanna buy them from you

    I'm intressted in all your Game&Watch games, it doesn't matter if they are in good condition or not (i'm intressted in none working Game&Watch games too) I'm in a retro fase right now, and i wanna remember the time when i was young and had so much fun with them (in the early 80's) So please...
  3. Spinal


    I can see that you like my new banner tesla :cool: But why don't you remove all that other crap from your sig :D (i hope you won't get flamed for this) :alien: btw, this is the logo i'm talking about:
  4. Spinal

    Photo Album

    muahaha, i have added a nice photo album on n64hq's messageboard with people whos register :) some of the people you can see a pic of is me and RatTrap :P Photo Album
  5. Spinal

    Email Wars 37

    Email Wars 37 UltraHLE 1 Year Anniversary Edition ----------------------------------- Thursday 27th January 2000 The Fox (EmuUnlim) v RealityMan (UltraHLE/Jagulator) ..with special guests <EmuUnlim> INTERVIEW LOG ON... <EmuUnlim> UNCENSORED. <Martin`> hehe <EmuUnlim> Well where can we start...
  6. Spinal

    new ini

    I think there will be a new TR64 ini out sometimes next month... "someon" is getting a new nice CPU soon :D
