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  1. AzNStYleZ

    Error initializing plugins...

    I need some help, i get an error when trying to run nemu 0.8 it says Error initiliazing plugins...any suggestions?
  2. AzNStYleZ

    Whos got the best Comp??? EH? EH?

    Check mines out heheheh....its not that good but it blows most people away :happy:
  3. AzNStYleZ

    PJ64K..Cmon guys!

    Hey guys, i just am really bored online because no one uses PJ64k on kaillera! anyways i made this thread so maybe we can play on IP's and stuff so uh if anyone wants to play w/ me my AIM is: Aznstylez11 MSN is: [email protected] Thanks guys plz RE soon!
  4. AzNStYleZ


    Hey guys, just a curious question but has anyone ever palyed at least one game w/ no crackles pops skips or anything along those lines..? just like playing the normal n64 THX FOR UR OPINIONS :D :D :D
  5. AzNStYleZ

    Skipping Problem

    I seem to be having a problem w/ my sound for PJ64, on like large rooms like the Market in OoT the screen seems to lag and in cinematics as well and the sound is always skippy and choppy the only time the gameplay is really smooth is in like a really small room... help plz? anyone? :cry:
