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  1. K

    Mouse Sensitivity

    Is there a way to bring the mouse sensitivity down for Nemu 64? I try to play a game like Perfect Dark and my view goes all over the place when I move my mouse.
  2. K

    MSX on GBA Emulation

    Is it possible? Is there a MSX emulator out there built for being played on the GBA? For those who don't know, the MSX was the original system where the Metal Gear series started, though was never released in the U.S.
  3. K

    Game Saving

    I've been trying to play Perfect Dark on Nemu 64, but it acts as if there isn't a game save file. This wouldn't be a huge problem, normally, I suppose, except you need to save your file onto the game before you can even play Perfect Dark. Whenever I try to save the game it says the the game pak...
