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  1. Q

    Loop in conkers fur day problem.

    when i stand on a certain pads and press B, and conker takes out his manual on how to use something, like a catapult or the sling shot, it just keeps repeating. he says, "The catapult... use the control stick to aim... and B to fire... that sounds simple enough!". then he puts the book away...
  2. Q

    AR on dolphin?

    is there a way to use action replay codes on dolphin? if not, thats something id like to see in the next release :bouncy: when will the next release be here? because i will be happy when it is :party:
  3. Q

    ssbm dolphin problems?

    im a noob to gcn emulation as i just downloaded ssbm with a game id of GALE_7A7B and if goes really slow, there is no sound and it freezes when you start a battle... why?
  4. Q

    N64 Animal crossing graphics problem

    There is a graphics glitch in the menu, which is the only glitch i can find with the graphic plugin that came with project 64 for this game that i can find, besides the parts where it takes 5 seconds to load the maps and the menu's and letters and stuff like that.
  5. Q

    Animal crossing on N64 OMG

    I found a japanese n64 japanese rom for animal crossing! but it is in japanese and i cant read japanese so does anyone know where i can buy a english translation for the n64?
  6. Q

    dolphin twi error

    everytime i try to run my SSBM v1.0 ram dump, it pops up an error saying that there was a twi error or something. can someone tell me how to fix this problem?
