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  1. S

    I need to mute tracks in-game.

    Someone over at OCRemix told me that if I weren't able to extract sound data from my roms directly(like with Zelda), some emulators would allow me to mute certain tracks of the game to easily sample them. Neither PJ64 or 1964 does this out-of-the-box. Is it at all possible? If so, what plugins...
  2. S

    settings for frame rate?

    Is there any way to lower the frame rate of games? PJ64 wants to run Super Mario 64 and OoT, and everything else I've checked, at 60FPS. I want to run it at 30FPS. now, I searched the support pages and it says that the FPS cannot be changed as it is an in-game setting. however, that same...
