Search results

  1. T

    SAve me with a SAVE file!!

    MAYDAY! I need a save state file because i neglected to save the game near the last level! Oh no! Someone must have a saved state file that was saved towardsthe end of the game - could you link me to it??? Is there a site with saved game files anywhere??? Actually, it's not so urgent, because...
  2. T

    Resident Evil 2 will never get done on PJ64?

    I'm looking here for a definitive answer on RESIDENT EVIL 2 - is it playable on any version of Project64 so far released? If it isn't properly functional on any of the PJ64 releases thus far, will there be another release of this emulator that fixes the problems relating to RE2, so that it will...
  3. T

    shopping channels, buy into 'em?

    At this shopping website of mine - - I lampoon that dreadful tv industry, shopping television. THEY ARE SO CRASS AND ARTIFICIAL! As if you could get that excited over a steam cleaner:doh: Do you eber watch those channels, or ever bought anything from them?
  4. T

    Cheats = 'Sin & Punishment'

    Hello fellow cheat fans:) I, myself, cheat frequently simply because I no longer have the patience, or time, I had as a youngster:geek: :cry: Anyway, I have noted that 'Sin and Punishment (J)' is barren of cheats - not one cheat for it! Are there any anywhere? PS - I'm using Project beta 5...
  5. T

    Star Ocean cheats? no can do?

    OK, I've got Star Ocean downloaded for the Snes emulator ZSNES. I just haven't the time to complete the game properly and have little inclination to knowing that the translation of the game is not accurate, so I'd prefer to journey through the game with little effort knowing the game is not...
  6. T

    'Helga is Here' 64

    Check this fan-site devoted to a QVC presenter and tell me your thoughts on both the site and subject... Well go on! I'm the webmaster of the thing and would like to see if I have a real success on my hands here!!! PS - the 64 refers to mighty Commodore...
  7. T

    Project 5 is good and bad

    OK, the good thing is that now the emulation is more accurate than ever, with missing colours and the allowance of textured surfaces etc. The big bad thing is that this extra detail has slowed down the games considerably, as it has more to handle (or so it seems to me). 'Mario Golf' is a prime...
