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  1. W

    zelda orcniaf time

    Hello i am having trouble with this game. The intro is shown and then it tells me to press start so i press start and the screen fades into black. Now if i press a button there is sound but nothing else, the game justs gets stuck there. Can anyone tell me how to overcome this. If you can tell me...
  2. W

    print whole thread

    Is there a way I can print the whole chip 8 thread with one link or as few as possible ? Thanks waslap
  3. W

    request from newbie

    Hello I just want to know if it is possible to find a way to dowmnload the treads like gameboy, nes, chip8. The reason is I can't be on the internet so long to read click the link to next page wait.... I have a very slow modem Thanks waslap
