Search results

  1. nullroute

    What is a good linux distro for development

    I don't mean for this to sound as much like a rant as it is going to, and I definitely don't want this to start a flame war. But, I've grown quite disappointed in almost every distro that I've used. - SuSE - I currently use SuSE 8.1, this distro makes a very pritty desktop linux, and not much...
  2. nullroute

    glXn64 v0.4.1-beta

    I've gotten glN64 v0.4.1 ported to linux... in beta stages now. Unfortunately, I can't post attachments for some reasons, so I had to get Hacktarux to post it. Beta1 is posted in the glN64 v0.4 thread (right next door). I need people to tell me about any compile issues that they have. I fear...
  3. nullroute

    I'll take 'Embarrassing Injuries' for 500 Alex

    I sliced my finger open in a freak dish-washing accident. I was hoping that some other people might have some embarrassing injuries of their own to make me feel a little less incompetant. :D Worst of all... the accident did not involve a knife at all.
