Recent content by Conker

  1. C


    :n64: Helpppppp has conker and when I play you escucahn the sounds in the alatavoces distorcionado or I snore I have a subwofer and two very potent speakers my sound card it is sound blaster live it happens when I speak with the gargoyle of the first level or alone to the esuchar the water...
  2. C

    I are come this way my games with the RADEON 64 ddr

  3. C

    When the project will come out 64 1.6?

    :pj64: I played especially with all the projects of the Nintendo 64 with the 1.5 I played all the games without necessity of buying them to me they saw each other much better than in the own console for that reason am grateful with jabo and zilmar although the project 64 1.5 are a marvel I...
