Recent content by 0Xcel

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    THPS2,3 Problems Please Help...

    I seem to be getting a display error in 1964 and Project 64 on the games Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 and 2. There seems to be like, a black box surrounding the bottom of the skater when the skater is skating on a flat surface, its no biggie, but personally i find it very annoying >.< ive saw...
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    1964 Z:MoM Problem

    heres the problem... I try to play Zelda 2 MoM and yeah, works perfectly fine, good speed, not bad audio, a little low on the FPS but yeah, fine, THEN suddenly, at totally random times the emulator shuts itself down for no apparant reason, no error msgs, no nothing. Using: 1964 0.7.3 Glide 64...
