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  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

Two quick questions. Do you have to go through the whole game to get the textures?


Turok Owner....
Do you have to go through the whole game to get the textures?
Like, every part of it for the pictures to dump?

I think so, but I need your awsner, just to check if there's an easier way. :bouncy:

One more:

For making high resoution textures....
Do you resize it? Or do you keep the original size?
And how do YOU do it. I know how, but I need your awsner too.
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New member
1) Yes, you have to play through most of the game to get all the textures. When I was making my Sin and Punishment translation it had 3 difficulty modes, but I only played through Easy to get the textures and it seems I got most of them without having to go through the other difficulties. I imagine dumping textures is much more difficult on an open ended game such as Oot or MM, where as Sin and Punishment was a linear game with a set path so I wouldn't miss anything.

2) You resize them to 4x the original size (preferably).

Follow these pictures for increasing the size, its pretty straight forward:



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Going through the whole game isn't recommended. Take it a section at a time, so it will be easier to tell witch textures go where.
