What's new
  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

rice's video questions????


New member
I have serveral questions about this plugin,i hope someone can answer my questions.
First,it's about the new element introduced,[hi res texture].What is it?Is it just what the name said,make the texture in the game to a hgher resolution?

Second,it's about the function [Dump texture to files],What is it for?just output the texture in the game?Any improvement on the game's graphic if this option is enabled???

To be frank, i still have some other problems,but i would like to ask these questions first, i hope the answers can help me solve the other problems i have.

Thanks for those who answer or reply this thread.
sorry for any english mistakes.


Beta Tester
First, are you blind? Look around will ya.

Second, it dumps textures to texture files, into a dump folder. Will not improve gaming in any way, it will instead slow things down.


Carbon-based molecule.
Dump textures means it outputs textures used in the game as your playing to a folder.

Use hires textures mean that it will look for hires replacements (made by yourself or by the community) that have the same name as the textures in-game. (texture dumping helps you figure out the name)


Film Student
zazabi_00 said:
First,it's about the new element introduced,[hi res texture].What is it?Is it just what the name said,make the texture in the game to a hgher resolution?

Ok, first off, look around the threads before you start spamming them with drop dead obvious questions like this. No it doesn't make the games a higher resolution, you have to dump the textures, work on them in photoshop or paintshop, then put them in a hires folder in the plugin folder. Only then will it be hires. You have to do a little work.


King of Krunch
Although Cloudscapes explanation was sufficient, I think a bit more elaboration is in order, if I may...
zazabi_00 said:
Second,it's about the function [Dump texture to files],What is it for?just output the texture in the game?
Yes. If you start a game with 'Dump textures to files' enabled, textures from the game will be dumped to a 'texture_dump' folder that you will find in your plugin directory. This 'texture_dump' folder will be created automatically when you start a game with 'Dump textures to files' enabled.
zazabi_00 said:
Any improvement on the game's graphic if this option is enabled???
No, not with this option enabled. But you will see a dramatic improvement in games graphics when you load hires textures. But that's beyond the scope for now...
You can now improve the textures you've dumped or use textures created by some of members here at EmuTalk. There are many talented artists (Cloudscapes, _PM_, Kid A, John Doe, optimus$prime, Bestbiz, Kamran, krhyluv and others) turning out some beautiful work. Download their textures and enjoy.
You can find all you need to know about dumping/loading hires textures (to make them show up in the game) and the hires packs themselves, here. >> http://www.emutalk.net/showthread.php?t=26229
Well, there's a push in the right direction anyway. Good luck.


New member
Rice, just a little idea.... wouldn't it be possible to add this hires-feature to a SNES emulator? This would be COOL! :p


New member
snes emulators don't use plugins... rice doesn't even make things for snes emulators... why would you even bother saying that?
