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What is best? Adaptoid or N64/PSX USB Adapter?


Member ready to help
Adaptoid of course for compatibility with most n64 joysticks

i want one, but it´s expensive :(

N64/psx adapter for the original joysticks works fine, only you need to calibrate the controller


Norwegian Viking
i want one, but it´s expensive :(


But it is any problems with N64/PSX USB Adapter?
I dont care about memory card or Rumble pack :satisfied
Is it anyone here on the forums that got a N64/PSX USB Adapter?


New member
I'd personally suggest an Adaptoid.

I used to have a Boom N64/PSX USB adaptor which didn't work, though admittedley it could just be because I didn't set up the controls properly, the way I've just done with my fully-functional Adaptoid.

Nevertheless, I'd suggest the Adaptoid, just because it has none of the numerous stories of problems and incompatibility that have accompanied the Boom adaptor, it works with ALL N64 controllers, and it will work with both the Rumble Pak and Memory Pak to transfer saves. They both cost about the same as well.

So, just go for the Adaptoid, or maybe a few, and you'll feel better about it :).


New member
If you can find one and don't mind the premium price, the Adaptoid is by far the better choice. The Boom adapters are cheap and plentiful, but often unreliable (see this thread).

CpU MasteR

omg h4x
I own an adaptiod, and I am never letting it go. Just for the simple fact that they are out of production/no longer available and because it is a very very good product. No problems and it works well it PJ64. :D
