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Video Plugin Problem


New member
I'm having trouble loading any roms. It completely loads and then it gets one of those "The program has performed an illegal operation" messages. In which I'm forced to close it. I know it's a problem with the video plugin because previously I tried running it in fullscreen and that's how it would crash. I don't know how to change the video plugin, I know I sound really stupid saying that, but I have no clue where to go. I've been under the video plugin options but there is no place to change it from what I can see. Any help would be appreciated.

System Specs

Intel Celeron 1.3 Ghz
512 MB Ram
NVidia Geforce 2 MX
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New member
I've done that, but how do I set that as the plugin that Nemu64 uses. Basically, how do I change the plugin being used.


New member
There it is. That was really obvious. The strange part is I've been in that window before and I didn't see it. That's embarrassing. Anyway, thanks a lot.
