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New EFx2.com Spotlight: caustik


Active member
Keith let us know in <a href="http://www.emutalk.net/showthread.php?t=17202">this thread</a> that he and the Efx2.com team have interviewed caustik, author of <a href="http://www.caustik.com/cxbx/">Cxbx</a> - an Xbox emulator for PC. Here's a little introduction posted over at Efx2.com:

<font class=post_quote>The EFx2.com Spotlight is now focused on caustik, the 22 year old from Toledo, Ohio. Best known for Cxbx, his Xbox emulator for Windows, which was the first Xbox emulator to show any type of commercial game running (Intro for Turok). caustik has been extremely busy lately with a full time job, but still manages to dedicate some time for Cxbx, and this Spotlight Interview. We all appreciate your efforts caustik and thanks for your time and hard work.</font>

Check out the full interview, or spotlight as Efx2.com calls it, by clicking <a href="http://www.efx2.com/spotlight.php?func=spotlight&id=8">here</a>.
