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Mario Party Super Speed Problem


Wilson's Friend
I have problems with Mario Party, it's running too fast. I have the video sync option enabled and I already test all the Counter Factror Settings, what can I do?


New member
The Khan Artist said:
Have you tried hitting F6 while in-game?

He already said he enable video sync. Why don't you read better before replying. You are wasting his and everyone's else time.???

I think you have to enable ntsc 60 in rom properties. You might have it at unlimited.


Wilson's Friend
jack said:
He already said he enable video sync. Why don't you read better before replying. You are wasting his and everyone's else time.???

I think you have to enable ntsc 60 in rom properties. You might have it at unlimited.

I alrady have that NTSC option enabled


Wilson's Friend
jack said:
He already said he enable video sync. Why don't you read better before replying. You are wasting his and everyone's else time.???

I think you have to enable ntsc 60 in rom properties. You might have it at unlimited.

I already have that NTSC option enabled
