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little problem


New member
hie !

First I would like to thank the creators of 1964 for their splendid work !!!
Great !!! Making such an emulator must take a lot of time ....

Well I think that now 1964 is the best emulator for n64, better than pj64
but their is still some problems ....

J've got one for you that is not a graphic plugin problem : when j use the emulator, Shadowman (French) can't load to the menu. J used all the plugins that J kown. So it's a core emulator problem.

J don't know if that can help in the future but j notice that this game is not playable ...

Thanks for all.


New member
Not sure why you used J's instead of I in this post.

Anyways, I personally tested all of these before release and they were all working fine - with any graphics plugin.

Anyone else got problems with Shadowman (F)? I'd test it again myself but I deleted it last night... wouldn't ya know it.

The Siskoo

I see the problem, you must put Expansion Pack on Yes.

- Right Click on ShadowMan (F).
- Rom properties
- Expansion Pack on Yes
