Digital Designer
Goldeneye 007 is a superb FPS for the N64, however emulating it has proven to be a bit of a problem for the standard keyboard and mouse users. I've tested Goldeneye on 1964, SupraHLE, UltraHLE, Nemu64 and of course Project 64. Out of all of them Project 64 comes out on top. (on my computer)
To use a mouse you have to download N-Rage's D-Input plugin ( ) It took me a while configuring the controls to set-up the mouse and get the aiming user-friendly. It now operates like a normal PC FPS.
I have attached my control setup file (.cpf file) so if you haven't set it up already, then you can save a bit of time.
The .zip contains a readme file which i suggest you read so you are familiar with the setup that i used.
I know most people here already know about the mouse support, but i just thought I'd share my config for the people who need it.
To use a mouse you have to download N-Rage's D-Input plugin ( ) It took me a while configuring the controls to set-up the mouse and get the aiming user-friendly. It now operates like a normal PC FPS.
I have attached my control setup file (.cpf file) so if you haven't set it up already, then you can save a bit of time.
The .zip contains a readme file which i suggest you read so you are familiar with the setup that i used.
I know most people here already know about the mouse support, but i just thought I'd share my config for the people who need it.
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