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Glide64 Always Crash For Me :((


New member
glide64 is a very good plugin and with dave's coding i'm sure the progress can go on.The problem is that it's always crash for me.My pc is format lately so it's not a windows instability.And the drivers are ok, im sure.The problem is that i don't speak about a simple crash(ctrl+alt+del or F4)but a resetbutton crash.Last time it was with 0253 release i tried on pj64 1.5 and i pressed F12 to stop emulation and i had blackscreen,then it rebbot by it's own.

Windows 98 SE
VOODOO 3 2000


you shouldn't have any problems with the glide64 plugin if you have a voodoo3. are the drivers you are using the last official drivers or some third party drivers.


New member
2bzy4ne1 said:
you shouldn't have any problems with the glide64 plugin if you have a voodoo3. are the drivers you are using the last official drivers or some third party drivers.

It's ok now:).I've just installed some new drivers(unofficial ofcourse"Mikepedo v.1.0-Voodoo3,4,5)and no more crashes with glide.Rice's plugin also works (It didn't in the past cause voodoo doesn't support dx8.1)but the gfx not appear corectly.I've posted the link in another thread.I think voodoo users should test them.
