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ATTN Rice: Recommended Setting


New member
Problem found by oooinpit
Problem solution by Karth, Gent
ROM: In-Fisherman Bass Hunter 64 (U) [!]

1964 recommends Daedalus D3D8 Rel2 as Video plugin.
Game didnt run well so we used Rice 5.2 and tried many other video plugins. We had flickers with all plugins, and a few plugins had other issues. We used Rice 5.2 video plugin and changed the setting "Frame Update at:" to "At The 1st Cl Change" and it solved all the problems.

The Siskoo

oooinpit said:
Problem found by oooinpit
Problem solution by Karth, Gent
ROM: In-Fisherman Bass Hunter 64 (U) [!]

1964 recommends Daedalus D3D8 Rel2 as Video plugin.
Game didnt run well so we used Rice 5.2 and tried many other video plugins. We had flickers with all plugins, and a few plugins had other issues. We used Rice 5.2 video plugin and changed the setting "Frame Update at:" to "At The 1st Cl Change" and it solved all the problems.

Rice Daedalus 5.2.0 (last version)
This game works without flickers with "Frame Update at : At CI Change.

I have a problem after a moment, I have this message :

