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Aidyn's Chronicles


New member
I am having a problem with the performance of this game. And before you tell me to search I already did and came up with bupkus.

The problem is when I access the sub screens the transitions are very slow. And they get slower as I play. It gets pretty bad.

I have a Radeon 9000, an Athlon XP 1800, 256 mb RAM

I have only gotten the the game to run successfully with the Jabo and Glide64 plugins


New member
I have the same problem as you(though with a very slower processor -Athlon 550 MHz-)
I think it is aomething that appens to almost everyone, and authors already knew it.
I think there is no solution.
Anyway wait for an answer from someone that knows something more than I do


New member
This happens occasionally on the real N64 too. Best thing you can do is ignore it, or avoid entering the menu.

Chibi Nick

Emutalk Member
Republic said:
I am having a problem with the performance of this game. And before you tell me to search I already did and came up with bupkus.

The problem is when I access the sub screens the transitions are very slow. And they get slower as I play. It gets pretty bad.

I have a Radeon 9000, an Athlon XP 1800, 256 mb RAM

I have only gotten the the game to run successfully with the Jabo and Glide64 plugins
Then use those plug-ins?

which plugins do you have problems with then?


New member
Re: Re: Aidyn's Chronicles

Chibi Nick said:
Then use those plug-ins?

which plugins do you have problems with then?

Those plugins both run the menu screens slowly, but everything else is perfect (minus the graphical glitches that the game is riddled with on the real thing).


Dragony thingy
Aquatakat said:
This happens occasionally on the real N64 too. Best thing you can do is ignore it, or avoid entering the menu.

Probably a memory leak, then.

IF the emu authors could identify exactly where the leak is, they COULD hack in a fix for it, but IIRC none of the authors are too keen on that...
