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I know it will sounds dumb, but...


New member
I can´t load Save States (PJ64 1.5)!! I choose "save state", then a choose the slot, but HOW can I restore the game?
The only kind of save (besides native save) that I can use is pressing F5 (to save) and F7 (to load). But I can´t name my saves, and I can´t load a Save State. Please, help me guys.


Emutalk Member... sorta
yeah, for some reason load states dont seem to work for people who dont know what the hell there doing. crazy huh? :blink:


It's very easy, I'll give you a description "how to save"

1. Yehaaaaw, finally I beat that boss. Time for a save. Shit there isn't any save point here. What to do: Choose "system" choose
"current save state" and choose a state. Press F5 and the game is saved.
2. If you want to save to another state. Choose "system" and choose "current save state" and choose another save state and press F5.

Second description: "how to load"

1. Choose "system" and choose "current save state" and choose a save state (YOUR save state) and press F7 and it will load. It sounds hard but it is easy!


Okee, I believe we let the n00bies cook to a nice golden brown, time to take 'em out.

F5 saves, F7 loads
Ranging from the tilde key up to 0 on the left side of the keyboard are the state shortcuts. Tilde is the default, press 1 and it is then set to that state. Save and load as you please on that one state, press tilde again and you are back to the default one. Use any number, whatever, Kupo!!!

(Tilde is that key to the right of one on the top row of keys.)
