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  1. calathia

    Zelda: MM & Advanced Block Linking

    When I'm playing Zelda:MM I have to turn advanced block linking off to avoid some major stuttering issues. However sometimes (occasionally) PJ64 (or 1964) doesent really take it off and the game is still stuttering! What I mean is that even if in rom settings ABL is off it still stutters and...
  2. calathia

    Help! My in-game save disappeared in Zelda: MM

    Okay, I really want some help now please. I have playing about 10h zelda:mm now. and now after I tried another emus like 1964 for only playing Mario kart NOT zelda. And now my in-game save state is disappeared! What the heck just happened here? I have this file on pj folder/save: ZELDA...
