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  1. A

    corn 0.30 for windows xp

    Did it. Not a proper fix, but a one-byte-long hack... Hopefully this works under Win2k, too. ContraSF was such a "cool-haxxor":). He writes VirtualAlloc(0x7F000000,0x800000,MEM_COMMIT|MEM_RESERVE,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); but doesn't check the return value. Download link...
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    Touchmaster DS doesn't work

    Has anyone managed to play Touchmaster (on any emulator)? No mini-game starts in my case. Instead, they all get me to the highscores screen as if I already finished playing. There's a German guy who suffers from the same problem:
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    Zilmar's RSP spec: two questions

    1) It's well known that while RSP operates, CPU can write to signal flags (aka semaphores), which are bits in SP_STATUS_REG. Software that relies on this behaviour includes World Driver Championship, Stunt Racer 64 (for these two look at 0x138 in the ucode), Neon64 (NES emulator) and probably...
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    Z64 source question

    Can someone explain me what does this string from z64 RSP plugin mean? It's in main_rsp.cpp, in DoRspCycles function: DWORD TaskType = *(DWORD*)(z64_rspinfo.DMEM + 0xFC0); Is there something important at FC0h in RSP's DMEM? I couldn't find a clue.
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    NUTS source code finally released!

    Yes, it was released on September, 27 th. Grab it from here NUTS is a utility that allows those who own Doctor V64 to test the emulated RSP's behaviour against a real N64 RSP's behaviour. Inaccuracies of the RSP cores implemented in LLE graphics plugins are...
