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  1. Dave2001

    Rebuild & Rebuild & Rebuild...

    AHHHHHHHH!!! This is the second project I've had this happen to me on... I click build, it builds all my files. I change NOTHING, click build, it builds all my files AGAIN. It'll keep asking me to build all my files over and over and over without anything at all ever changing! I tried...
  2. Dave2001

    Profiling a plugin?

    A while back Doom told me about this way of finding slow parts of code, called "profiling". I had never done this before. So, I went & checked "enable profiling", but the build->profile option was disabled. I assume that this is because it is a dll file. Is there any way to profile a plugin...
  3. Dave2001

    Glide64 > 0.2 screenshots

    Alright, I'm going to post some Glide64 screenshots that are from the current development, but not in 0.2. Thanks much to Icepir8's help, there is now framebuffer! It currently runs somewhat slow unless in 1/4 resolution, but i'm trying to speed it up.
  4. Dave2001

    TLB in GFX?

    00211a50 (c0:de000000, c1:e0007600): uc0:displaylist: 00007600, push:yes (seg 0, offset 00007600) Umm... is it just me or is Gauntlet Legends trying to use the TLB from the GFX plugin?? Address is 0xe0007600. I don't believe there is a way to get the TLB from within the plugin, so... is this...
  5. Dave2001

    f-zero environment mapping

    Obviously, the cars in F-Zero X cannot possibly be using environment mapping, yet the geometry mode says that they do. Is there any command that can set the geometry mode other than geom_mode? Here is a screenshot of what F-Zero X as it is now. The lack of detail on the cars is caused by...
  6. Dave2001


    We're trying to translate SetPrimDepth z into a z value that we can use like any other vertex's z. According to docs, SetPrimDepth uses the following equation, with screenZ the value input to SetPrimDepth: screenZ=(z/w)*0x3fe0 + 0x3fe0 This is kind of a hard question to ask, but we need to...
  7. Dave2001

    VI_SCALE registers

    Gugaman and I have spent a long time trying to fix the remenants of our resolution problem. I understand that the VI_X_SCALE_REG and VI_Y_SCALE_REG are both 1/scale up factor as 2.10, but these values don't appear to be all there is to scaling... For example, the scaling values for mario are...
  8. Dave2001

    Odd FPS counter

    Hi! I have a question to ask: I'm having trouble with the fps counter in Glide64. Since Glide64 must be run in fullscreen, the pj64 fps counter is not an option to look at. On my fps counter, I get 30 fps when Mario is running full speed, and 20 fps (!) when Zelda is running full speed...
  9. Dave2001

    N64 Glide Plugin

    Hmm.. it appears to be YET ANOTHER matrix problem. :devil: An interesting effect: When I comment out the last line in matrix multiplication, the zooming in the game works perfectly, but the mario logo, text, and portraits do not work. void modelview_mul (float m[4][4]) { float m_src[4][4]...
  10. Dave2001

    N64 Glide Plugin

    Ok, I'm continuing my post on Emu Coding. The status of the glide plugin: It runs almost all 2D demos. Thanks Azimer for the interrupt code. I had put it into ProcessRDPList instead of ProcessDList :plain: . Now the games run right. I still need information about how the N64 draws 3d...
  11. Dave2001

    Writing glide plugin

    Hi, I want to write a Glide plugin for Project 64 (and any other emulator that supports plugins). I already have the Glide SDK, the plugin specs, and all the tools I need to compile. I am fairly experienced as a programmer and have worked with 3d games before. In order to write this plugin, I...
