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  1. L

    New to Mupen64Plus

    Hello; I just started to get into the N64 emulation scene, and I stumbled across Mupen64Plus. I have a couple of questions. First, what is the difference between Mupen64Plus, and the version of Mupen64 that I am using right now (0.5.1)? Are these programs both written by the same person(s), or...
  2. L

    Xbox 360 Controller Trigger Sensitivity

    I am interested in decreasing the "dead zone" in my triggers, as it seems that I have to depress them down very far for it to register. I am using N-Rage's Direct-Input8V2 1.83 plugin and don't see any settings to adjust this. How can I adjust the "dead zone" for the triggers on the back of an...
