Recent content by yousucksomethin

  1. yousucksomethin

    No Mercy Jericho Edits(If I could get them on here)

    No Mercy Jericho Edits Here's the edits of Jericho's costumes I did in WWF No Mercy, hope you like. :happy:
  2. yousucksomethin

    Resetting Memory

    I want to know, on/in Project 64(1.6 I think), is there a way to erase memory? Because in WWF No Mercy, I used the cheats to get everything and I want to do it on my own. P.S. Anyone who wants a spiffy, and complete(With total moveset, Ally/Enemy, etc.) NWA-TNA Raven CAW for No Mercy, I'm...
