Recent content by Xplic1T

  1. X

    Chankast In Action 3 - Running SF3 FFTF

    Sup guys here it is, brand new, ripped yesterday running on my awsome machine. Street Fighter 3 - Fight for the future it recorded the game at 30 fps with my program off i can get all the way up to 140 fps and keep it at that 80 fps speed range. A few minor glitches with sound as you...
  2. X

    New Virtua Fighter 3 TB in action - Chankast Here it is, made it bigger
  3. X

    Marvel Vs Capcom 2 In action

    So many people ask me how the fuck does this of all games for dreamcast runs. Well i just got this killer pc fast enough to play it and record its output. So i used fraps to capture the video and put it on youtube. You guys enjoy. Ohh everything is the same except multiply the game speed by...
