Recent content by remmy

  1. remmy


    Is anyone familiar with the code name of the PSP's processor? I was trying to find a data sheet on it and came up short.
  2. remmy

    For those diverse in the .NET Framwork

    I've just started playing around with C# and as my first project, I decided to write a sample application that loads the THP Dynamic Library I created based on thakis' thpplay source. The DLL is loading and initializing properly, however, do to the lack of a callback, I'm currently only able to...
  3. remmy


    I've been sitting here going over the forum and can't believe how many "How do I write an emulator?" threads I've seen. Not saying that this is bad. It's a good thing that there are a lot of ambitious people out there looking to further their knowledge about other architectures. A nice sticky...
  4. remmy

    Something that Nintendo forgot...

    Bet that wasn't supposed to be in there. :P
