Recent content by patsernr1

  1. patsernr1

    Stunt Racer FX problem

    Hai, My PJ64 needs a plug-in for Stunt Racer FX. But i don't know which one. I tried a few but that doesn't seems to work. Anybody any ideas? The error is as follows: Microcode CRC: 0x6a76f8dd Microcode Data CRC: 0x00000000 Microcode Text: Not Found Please help. THNKS
  2. patsernr1

    Can't get UltraHLE 2064 1.0.4 properly

    Hello, First of all, i'm new in the emulation world so please don't blame if i'm discribing things not the right way. Well, first I installed UltraHLE 2964 1.0.3. Then I overwrote some files that came with the 1.0.4 version. (Good???) When i'm launching the .exe I get an error about the...
